Focus on Made in the USA

by | Jun 25, 2023

In Murphy’s humble opinion, right now is a unique time in the history of US consumerism. During recessions, consumers set stricter priorities on what they purchase. Not to pigeonhole anyone but, while some customers may have an understandable “slam on the brakes” reaction to the current economic environment, most shoppers fall into the “pained but patient” category. This segment of purchasers strive to stretch their dollar further by naturally steering towards products that last longer. One good side effect of this means less “disposable” product purchases, which often has positive environmentally conscious result. This mindset creates the perfect opportunity to “focus on made in the USA”.

In the world of furniture, Murphy’s has long-enjoyed phrases like “investment quality construction” and “locally built means locally backed.” In home furnishings, more than ever, these distinctions are important. Not only does domestic furniture tend to offer more variety than their import counterparts American made pieces often offer a higher quality at prices comparable to imports. This makes it possible for buyers to incorporate new pieces into an existing motif versus replacing everything to accomplish a cohesive look.

That being said, in reverence to our nation’s annual independence celebration month, Murphy’s Furniture is having their annual Made in the USA sale during the entire month of July. This should prove to be a recession busting event if ever there was one! Stop in to Murphy’s Furniture and see how American made is better made.

Shop our website, to find these Local Manufacturers and more, by using our “Made in the USA” search option.

Murphy’s Furniture

2962 Baseline Street

Cornelius, OR 97113


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