Give the Gift of Time

by | Dec 19, 2022

Want to know the best antidote for seasonal sadness? It’s the gift of time! You will get as much as you give.) Make a list of all the things you can do to “help out others” then follow through on one or two.

Baby/dog-sitting – parents of littles pups love the extra help. Offer to give a hand doing chores or seasonal changeovers. Help pull the garden or put up lights. Come back later to take them down.

Have a game or movie night, time spent together with another core group is a great way to clear your brain in a positive way. It’s not just about giving time to others, give some special time to yourself. Go on a bicycle tour or take a hike or make a picnic in the park, the fresh air is a great re-energizer. Break the silence and laugh out loud, laughter is the best medicine. Listen to music. Dance it out. Shine a light.         Call a friend who is in the holiday spirit if you’re feeling blue.

Avoid things that bring you down, like over-eating (pour out a bowlful, don’t eat out of the bag) and over-drinking (alcohol is a depressant…what??) Don’t lament the “loss of the good old days,” life moves forward whether we want it to or not.

It is never too late to start feeling better (that’s why they call it starting over.)

Your friends at Murphy’s Furniture wish you all a blessed, peaceful and happy holiday season.

Murphy’s Furniture

2962 Baseline Street

Cornelius, OR 97113


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