Dear Murphy’s Furniture Customers,
The property Murphy’s Furniture resides on has been sold for development to a new westside U-Haul hub. After weighing all aspects, Mary and Kathy have decided to retire Murphy’s Furniture. The Murphy’s crew wishes to express the deep gratitude we feel for the local...
Read more Articles in this series
It’s Time for a Spring Spruce-Up!
Spring is a perfect time to give your home a brightening up. Yes, spring spruce-up includes "traditional cleaning grinds." Things like power washing the deck, washing your windows (don’t miss clearing window weep holes - these prevent water from seeping into the...
Get Ready for Outdoor Living
Now that Punxsutawney Phil has announced an early spring, take a moment to evaluate your outdoor living space. If your furniture is oil finished, a quick clean with warm water is a great prep - add a drop of dish soap if you discover sticky residue. Do not power...
Dream of a Decent Night’s Sleep?
Dream of a Decent Night’s Sleep? Here are some great tips that may help you catch that ever-elusive "great night’s sleep." Be consistent. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up around the same time each morning, including weekends. Your...
Think Small for New Years
Tired of setting the same old new year’s resolution? Ready for a change that will improve your outlook, spread goodwill to others and possibly save you time and money? My 2024 new year’s resolution? It’s time to think small, baby! According to the Census bureau,...
Murphy’s Encourages you to Give Back
Giving back during the holidays is important because it helps spread goodwill throughout our communities. By volunteering our time or donating to local charities, we can bring happiness to people who may otherwise not have access to basic necessities or resources...
Furniture Tricks and Treats
In the “spirit of the season” (pun intended), here are a few tricks and treats when looking at rejuvenating your family areas for the upcoming holiday season. Trick: Count backwards from your special event. This time of year, sofa/recliner factories are running...
Eat In Kitchens are Back in Style
Whether it’s a matter of opening up a wall to join kitchen to dining area or “carving out a breakfast nook” in the corner of your cooking area, the place we eat is no longer exiled from the place we create our meal. Because the preparation of our meals has become a...
Murphy’s Legacy
In September 1973, Ruth Murphy opened Murphy Manor Antiques, what has become Murphy’s Furniture. As with any great start-up, what began in the basement of the family home evolved into Murphy's Furniture. Ruth’s "little home-based business" quickly outgrew their...
Ready for Back to School?
We all know having a comfortable, designated workspace can help our young ones stay organized and be more successful in their studies. The question is, how do we do this? Location, location, location - just like in business, where is often the most important...
Focus on Made in the USA
In Murphy’s humble opinion, right now is a unique time in the history of US consumerism. During recessions, consumers set stricter priorities on what they purchase. Not to pigeonhole anyone but, while some customers may have an understandable “slam on the brakes”...
Why Buy DIY
There are many benefits to buying unfinished furniture. One is that you are able to see what you are buying. Unlike finished furniture, you will be able to immediately see if your furniture has defects like discoloration, knots, or clear weak points. Manufactures...
Support Local Furniture Businesses
Support Local Furniture Businesses It is widely understood that supporting local businesses helps your neighbor and keeps money in your community. The crew at Murphy’s Furniture would like to point out some additional benefits in buying Murphy’s locally built...
New Spring Colors
Color is incredibly emotive and often inspires joyfulness. Think of a time when you saw a color or pattern mixed together in a way that made your heart sing a little. Experiencing something refreshing and just a little bit different or unexpected can actually give...
Murphy’s Furniture and the Irish
If you have traced your roots to the Celtic or Irish, you are not alone. Despite often being separated from their Irish-born ancestors by generations, the Irish American identity remains strong. It is believed the number of folks describing themselves as Irish...
Essential Extras for Your Child’s Bedroom
Tired of battling your little one on keeping their room clean and organized? Here are a few ways to create a positive living space for your wee ones and give them the emotional buy in to keep it maintained Keep it simple. Remove everything and add back your...
Year-end Clearance Sales are an Excellent Opportunity
Year-end clearance sales are an excellent opportunity to take advantage of deep discounts. There is no category this is truer of than furniture store’s year end clearance sales! Generally speaking, these winter sales occur to clear out prior year inventory and make...
Give the Gift of Time
Want to know the best antidote for seasonal sadness? It’s the gift of time! You will get as much as you give.) Make a list of all the things you can do to “help out others” then follow through on one or two. Baby/dog-sitting - parents of littles pups love the extra...
Handmade Holiday Gift Ideas
Handmade gifts are back in fashion this gift giving season. Whether fueled by a tight holiday budget or being tired of gifting the same old, same old, DIY combined with unfinished wood furniture from Murphy's, provides the perfect raw materials to answer this...
Update Your Dining Area
In today's busy world, dining areas have really gotten a bum rap. Not only are they considered a prehistoric construct, no longer relevant in today's digitalized family, but the areas themselves have been cordoned off as a spare bedroom, commandeered for office space or catapulted it into children's play areas. I say it's time to reclaim our roots and give dignity back to the dining area! Accept this challenge by re-visualizing your space as a place that promotes relaxation and companionship. No matter if you have a room with four walls, an island in a great room or a niche in the kitchen; you too can recreate your next meals oasis. Here are some tips for your space.
Let’s Focus on the Positives
It seems that worry is the fulltime job of a small business owner. From community health concerns to manpower shortages, supply chain Inconsistencies to economic fluctuation, society tends to focus on what the perils are. I say, "Let's focus on the positives for a minute."
Back To School Bed Shopping
Getting ready to go back to school isn't limited to attire and school supplies. A revamped bedroom can create a feeling of emotional and physical organization and inspire a great start.
Made in The USA – Good for the U.S and Great for Us!
"Buy American" is an effective marketing tool, but this "Trendy Catchphrase" has deep, positive roots in practicality. This is even truer in the furniture business. Although U.S. manufacturing has declined since the late '90s, the U.S. furniture industry is...
Buying Furniture in 2022? Go DIY!
If you have been shopping for furniture recently, you have most likely experienced something unprecedented (at least in the US) the "long wait with no certain date" for delivery. So put the fun back in furniture shopping with your Local Murphy's Furniture crew and...